Casting Vision for Groups Basic Sermon Kit | 3 - Part - Irresistible Church Network Store

Casting Vision for Groups Basic Sermon Kit | 3-Part

Regular price$70.00


Gently Used (2018)

  • 11 Logo and Artwork (JPG & PNG)
  • 1 Discussion Question Handouts (PDF)
  • 1 Message Transcripts (PDF)
  • 1 Speaker Outline (PDF)
  • 1 Message Audio Files (MP3)
  • 1 Full Message Video (480p MOV)
  • 1 Sermon Intro Video

Imaginary You (2017)

  • 1 Message Transcripts (PDF)
  • 1 Speaker Outline (PDF)
  • 1 Message Audio Files (MP3)
  • 1 Full Message Video (480p MOV)

Seein' To (2016)

  • 1 Message Transcripts (PDF)
  • 1 Speaker Outline (PDF)
  • 1 Message Audio Files (MP3)
  • 1 Full Message Video (480p MOV)
  • 1 Sermon Intro Video

You can get people into rows on Sunday. But how do you get them into circles? How do you convince busy people that carving out time for community is worthwhile?

The three messages & tools in this kit will help inspire your listeners to seriously consider moving into deeper community, which will transform the relationships and the feeling of connectedness in your church.

This kit provides all the resources you need to deliver the content of all 3 messages.

All content is downloadable. File size for downloadable content is 1.89 GB.
Estimated download time approximately 15 minutes.

1. Gently Used (2018)
We all believe exercise is good for us, but we don’t always head to the gym or go on a run. But to get in shape we have to exercise. We have to get off the couch and do it. And, isn’t it easier when we have someone to keep us accountable? The same is true of our faith; we can only get so far on our own.

Your relationship with God isn’t just about your vertical relationship with him; it’s also about your horizontal relationships with other people.

Simply believing in what God says isn’t enough; doing is what makes all the difference. In community, we have the opportunity to encourage, support, and spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Do not give up meeting together!

2. Imaginary You (2017)

We all want to be known for something. But what do you do when you don’t measure up . . . even to your own standards? You’ll never become who you want to be until you are willing to face up to who you actually are. And the only way to do that is to stop worrying about being known for something, and allow yourself to be known by a group of someones.

James 5:16 ; Hebrews 10:24 — “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” ; “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds”

3. Seein' To (2016)

If you want to grow spiritually, commitment isn’t enough. You must be connected. That’s what groups are all about.

The current of life rarely takes us in the right direction. It’s dangerous to try to swim upstream alone. The writer of Hebrews gives us a corporate command to watch out for one another. We is the best defense against the deceitfulness of sin in you.

Circles are better than rows. Rows don’t know. In rows our hearts don’t show.

See to one another on a regular basis so that none of you is tricked by sin and drifts away from the faith that has made such a big difference in your life.