Shining Through - Basic Sermon Kit | 2 - Part - Irresistible Church Network Store

Shining Through - Basic Sermon Kit | 2-Part

Regular price$60.00

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  • 2 Message Discussion Question Handouts (PDF)
  • 2 Message Transcripts (PDF)
  • 2 Message Speaker Notes (PDF)
  • 2 Message Audio Files (MP3)
  • 1 Series Production Order Example


It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn't anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book. Our hope is anchored to an event—an event that rekindled the dwindling hope of the first followers of Christ.


1. Random Acts of Violence

During times of crisis, there is something Christians should be doing above anything else. Doing this won’t answer why bad things happen, but it will demonstrate where our hope lies.

2. While You're In It

During a major epidemic, first century Christians acted in such a way that people outside the faith couldn’t ignore them. It's not enough to believe correctly. We must act on what we say we believe.

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