Athens Church: The Truth About Lies - Basic Sermon Kit I 7-Part

Regular price$110.00

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  • 7 Message Discussion Question Handouts (PDF)
  • 7 Message Speaker Outlines (PDF)
  • 7 Message Audio Files (MP3)


7-PART series from Sean Seay, Mark Lamb, Clay Scroggins, Josh Bayne and Stephen Sowell with Athens Church in Athens, GA: We all crave the good life: success relationships, rest, etc. But what if the very things the world offers to bring us peace are actually a prison? Distractions and deceptive ideas play into disordered desires in our hearts. They keep us from the very peace we seek. What if there was another way? A way to recognize the lies that hold us captive. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."


1. The Truth About Lies

2. The Flesh

3. The World

4. Truth Decay

5. Part 5 was a guest speaker, and we are not able to include that with our package.

6. Overcoming Temptation

7. Fighting The Flesh With Fasting

8. Armor of God

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