Carried Away Basic Sermon Kit | 1-Part

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OVERVIEW Since the beginning of time, humans have offered their crops, their animals, even their children as sacrifices to God.
Two thousand years ago—in a shocking reversal—God offered a sacrifice to us.
In this powerful message, Andy traces back through history to explain the magnitude of what God did through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This message can be preached as a typical Sunday sermon or used in conjunction with an Easter or communion service.
- Message Transcript (PDF Format)
- Message Outline (PDF Format)
- Message Audio File (MP3 Format)
- Service Production Order (Including Worship Set)
Note: artwork & video files are not included in this message kit.
SEE HOW THIS MESSAGE WAS PRESENTED AT BUCKHEAD CHURCH. It is an example of what you could do at your church using the items contained in the kit.
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