Leading Through Covid and Learning From It Downloadable E-Book
There’s no map for doing ministry amid a pandemic. The decisions you’re facing are unprecedented, but you aren’t alone in facing them.
So we thought it may help to hear what’s on the minds of some of North Point’s leaders as they weigh some of the same issues as you.We have interviews with seven of our leaders and Discussion Guides to go with each interview.
1. Rick Holliday, Executive Director of Central Services
2. Kendra Fleming, Executive Director of Family Ministries
3. Elizabeth Lincoln, North Point Ministries Service Programming Director
4. Jeff Henderson, Gwinnett Church Lead Pastor
5. Billy Phenix, Executive Director of Staff Culture
6. Clay Scroggins, Buckhead Church Lead Pastor
7. Debbie Causey, Director of Care Network
Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste (Finances and Operations) A Sit-Down with Rick Holliday, Executive Director of Central Services
As Executive Director of Central Services (essentially the CFO and COO), Rick Holliday is the guy tasked with navigating North Point Ministries through the trickiest parts of the COVID-19 crisis.
He is responsible for keeping the organization financially healthy and keeping the operations (accounting, HR, curriculum development, property development, and IT) for all eight campuses running smoothly. The pandemic’s effect on the budget and buildings is Rick’s domain.
As NPM moves toward reopening, Rick sat down with Jessica Duquette, who leads the NP Resources team, to share how he has led and what he has learned from this unusual season.
Experimenting With Everything All at Once Isn't the Answer (Family Ministries) A Sit-Down with Kendra Fleming, Executive Director of Family Ministries
As the Executive Director of Family Ministries, Kendra Fleming oversees all family ministry areas—from birth to college—across all eight Atlanta-area campuses.
Kendra has been the person at the helm as family ministries pivoted online during the pandemic, connecting virtually with tens of thousands of students. Recently, she chatted with Jessica Duquette, who leads the NP Resources team, to share how she has led and what she has learned from this unusual season.
Our Plans Went Out The Window (Sunday Programming) A Sit-Down with Elizabeth Lincoln, NPM Service Programming Director
As the Service Programming Director for North Point Ministries, Elizabeth Lincoln is responsible for everything that happens in the auditorium on Sunday mornings at NPM’s eight Atlanta-area campuses.
But what happens when the auditoriums are empty—when the COVID-19 pandemic forces an overnight shift to only online services?
Elizabeth recently chatted with Jessica Duquette, who leads the NP Resources team, about the monumental shift her team has made and the new questions they’re asking about the future of Sunday services.
The Church Is Perfectly Positioned (Local Church Leadership) A Sit-Down with Jeff Henderson, Gwinnett Church Lead Pastor
Jeff Henderson is the lead pastor at two of North Point Ministries’ eight Atlanta-area locations. He knows what it’s like to launch and lead a local church—having been tasked with that job three times in the last two decades.
At Gwinnett Church, Jeff has built a culture founded on being FOR the local community. How are they responding then, when their community faces this kind of crisis?
Jeff recently talked with Emily Beach, who works on the NP Resources team, about the innovative things his team is trying and how shrinking their focus has expanded their impact.
We’re All In The Same Storm, But Not The Same Boat (Staff Health) A Sit-Down with Billy Phenix, Executive Director of Staff Culture
Billy Phenix has been walking the halls of North Point Ministries for a little over 20 years.
He has worked in student and family ministry, served as a campus pastor, and, for the last year, been NPM’s first Executive Director of Staff Culture—a big job given the more than 600 staffers who work across eight Atlanta-area campuses and the central office.
At the macro level, Billy is responsible for maintaining NPM’s organizational culture. At the micro level, Billy’s got his ear to the ground—listening for common tensions across teams and creating tools to help leaders develop, teams thrive, and staff be healthy.
Under normal circumstances, this is a big job. But in the middle of a global pandemic with staff teams working remotely to overcome challenges we’ve never faced before . . . well, Billy’s busier than ever.
That’s Not Why We Got Into Ministry (Local Church Leadership)A Sit-Down with Clay Scroggins, Buckhead Church Lead Pastor
Clay Scroggins has been part of the North Point family since 1998 when he started attending and volunteering as a high school small group leader. He went on to work in student ministry, and, for the last decade, he has served as Campus Pastor at three of NPM’s eight Atlanta-area locations.
Clay currently leads the Buckhead Church campus, located in the heart of Atlanta. We caught up with him to talk about the tough conversations he’s helping his congregation navigate and how his team is “bumping into” new folks in an age of social distancing.