The Beginner's Guide to Predicting Your Future Basic Sermon Kit | 4 - Part - Irresistible Church Network Store

The Beginner's Guide to Predicting Your Future Basic Sermon Kit | 4-Part

Regular price$80.00

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You can fix a dent in your car and it will look as good as new. You can upgrade a shattered phone and never think twice about the older model.

But when it comes to personal problems—relational, financial, professional, or otherwise—there are no quick fixes or fresh starts. The memories, the lost potential, the hurt and regret . . . they linger.

If only you could have seen them coming. If only you could have avoided them.

Well, you can. In this four-part series, Andy Stanley reveals one simple principle—taken from a 2,000-year-old parable—that will predict your future so you can change it before it’s too late.


  1. Principle of the Path
  2. Your Intention Please
  3. Follow
  4. Appealing Is Revealing


  • 4 Message Discussion Question Handouts (PDF Format) 
  • 4 Message Transcripts (PDF Format) 
  • 4 Message Outlines (PDF Format) 
  • 4 Message Audio Files (MP3 Format) 
  • 1 Series Production Order (Including Worship Sets)

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