What Our World Needs Now - Premium Sermon Kit I 9-Part

Regular price$230.00

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  • 61 Logos, Graphics, and Social Images (JPEG)
  • 9 Title Packages (MP4)
  • 9 Message Discussion Question Handouts (PDF)
  • 9 Message Transcripts (PDF)
  • 9 Message Speaker Outlines (PDF)
  • 9 Message Audio Files (MP3)


9-PART series from Andy Stanley, Joel Thomas, Samer Massad, and April Farmer: What the world needs isn't necessarily more people who claim to be spiritual. It needs Jesus followers who are all headed toward one particular thing.


1. Part 1: What Our World Needs Now

2. Part 2: Journey to JOY

3. Part 3: The Missing Peace

4. Part 4: A Long Fuse

5. Part 5: Human-kind-ness

6. Part 6: What is good?

7. Part 7: The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness

8. Part 8: Gotcha!

9. Part 9: Self-Control

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