You're Not the Boss of Me - Basic Sermon Kit | 6 - Part - Irresistible Church Network Store

You're Not the Boss of Me - Basic Sermon Kit | 6-Part

Regular price$100.00

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We all monitor our behavior to some degree. This keeps us out of trouble and helps us in our personal and professional relationships. But Jesus invites his followers to take monitoring a step further.

Our emotions don’t have to be the boss. In fact, Christians already have a boss—a better boss than anger, envy, insecurity, guilt, fear, or greed.

And here is his invitation: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. —Matthew 11:28–29


  1. From The Heart
  2. Guilt
  3. Envy
  4. Anger
  5. Fear
  6. Undercover Boss


  • 6 Message Discussion Question Handouts (PDF Format)
  • 6 Message Transcripts (PDF Format)
  • 6 Message Outlines (PDF Format)
  • 6 Message Audio Files (MP3 Format)
  • 1 Series Production Order Example

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